If you're having any trouble using and/or understanding our promotions, please give us a call at: 571-350-0146 to speak to our sales team!
1. Free Shipping on Orders $3,000+!
To apply this discount, simply go to checkout and the discount will Auto-Apply. Free Shipping discount CAN NOT be used with other promotions.
Promotions Notice: "Promotion Cycling" refers to the practice of intentionally canceling existing orders solely to take advantage of a newly available promotion for the same or similar items. It can also include a customer having friends, relatives, etc. placing orders for them and cancelling their existing order to take advtange of a new promotion. You may make as many new orders as you'd like with any promotion at any time, but purposely canceling your existing/old order to re-order with a new promotion is not allowed and will result in your new order being cancelled. We reserve the right to cancel any orders and immediately give full refunds to customers who are expected to be "Promotion Cycling". To view our full Promotions Policy, please use the following link: https://solarguyspro.com/pages/promotions-policy